Infant/Toddler - 6 weeks- 33 months
We have a classroom capacity of 11 kids. We offer a fun loving learning environment for your child. We provide your child with fine motor skills, gross motor skills, emotional, social, and communication skills. Your child will develop these skills through a variety of different activities throughout there day that is developmentally appropriate for them.
Preschool- 33 months- 48 months
Our preschool program offers children a supportive atmosphere in which to develop and then practice newly-acquired language and play skills as they interact with friends and teachers. During your child’s preschool years they will focus on colors, shapes, letters, numbers and more!
Pre-Kindergarten- 48 months- 60 months
Our Pre-K program is designed to provide the challenge that four year olds need to satisfy his/her developing and curious minds. We encourage developmentally appropriate activities through teacher directed and child directive activities. We encourage social skills and the eagerness to want to learn and do more!
Kindergarten- 60 months- 72 months
Our Kindergarten program provides 5 year olds with first hand experiences in a structured learning environment. Our small class size with plenty of one-on-one and small group interaction, offers a comfortable transition to school. We hope to provide a “Love for Learning” which is so valuable for continued success as children move through their future years of education!
School Age- 72 months and up
We offer before and after school care for school age children as well as a summer program.